Saturday, November 26, 2011

Writing Competition

It's getting to be December and on the 30th will be the day they announce the winners for the competition i applied for. I'm hoping for the best, but I don't actually expect to win top spot, but I'm shooting for 3rd place because then I'll get an honourable mention.

I've been editing my book like crazy lately. Which is good, I've given it to Olivia to see her input on it. Then hopefully Marty will get back to me and I'm hoping to get an interview with him. I'm also seeing about an editor, my one friend BUT I really don't wanna pay lol. It's not that I'm cheap, it's just I don't know how she edits and I really don't wanna spend money and be disappointed.

Another note, I got in as a part time student at the University yet the course I wanted doesn't start until September. In the mean time I found the creative writing course Intermediate (I took beginner last year) is starts in Jan. So I'm taking that to brush up on my skills. If I do this everyday, all day, whenever I can, I'm bound to get better right? It's like working out, if you keep doing it, you'll only get stronger.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My First Scam!

I got this in my email today:

Dear Ms Gilbert,

I am writing on behalf of a new international publishing house, JustFiction! Edition.

In the course of a web-research I came across a reference to your manuscript The Echoes and it has caught my attention.

We are a publisher recognized worldwide, whose aim is to help talented, internationally yet unknown authors publish their manuscripts supported by our experience of publishing and make their writing available to a wider audience.

JustFiction! Edition would be especially interested in publishing your manuscript as an e-book and in the form of a printed book and all this at no cost to you, of course.

If you are interested in cooperation, I would be glad to send you an e-mail with further information in an attachment.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards

Evelyn Davis
Acquisition Editor

Already did my research. They're just like PA. I emailed them back saying "No, thanks" :) I'm so proud!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Is this really it?

I found a website. It's a little gleam of hope. I just joined it so I'm just editing my stuff now to make sure it's perfect. I emails Marty, so hopefully he get's back to me about my book and I can start fixing it BEFORE i post it on this site I found :)

Work is getting stressful. I HATE phps and I feel bad because my hearts not in them. I'm trying to sell and be confidant and convince these ppl to get personal training, but I HAAAATTTEEE phps soooo much that I lack my Peak Attitude. Sure, my goal is two new clients BUT I only put that because they expect me to put something. When I have a day of clients and a day of php, I want to not be there lol. Ahg.

And now tomorrow I have a PHP at 11 but a client at 11:30am so I dunno what I'm going to do for that. Rush through it and train my client since I'm getting paid for THAT. I just wish I could be a full time writer already!!!

Well, I'm going to edit now, update that site thingy (which I'm not mentioning here *evil smirk*) and cross my fingers and continue to wish on stars and at 11:11.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Lets Step Forward

Editing and writing today. I'm pumped up. Had a good breakfast, whole grain oatmeal w/ chocolate chips and brown sugar. Of Course With my daily pill intake, vita/vitaLean/F10/CLA. Life is good.

Got the book, "how to be your own literary agent". Finished the book Natural Order and might I say, if you want to step out of your box and read something with awesome writing and a different plot, READ Natural Order. It was great, very absorbing.
It's about Joyce Sparks and her whole life has been about keeping secrets. Her first love is rumored to be gay, but she's in denial becuase she's soooo in love with him. But he leaves to be a movie stars, so she tries to move on. The book starts off with Joyce in an old folks home and hints about her son, who apparently died young from cancer. That isn't the truth of course, her son died of something a lot of young died from back in the 60's and 70's. AIDS. Yes her son was gay and the whole story revolves around Joyce trying to desperately to protect her son and to keep his secret that in the end, it ruins all. By the end though, she finally does come to terms and for the first time ever, admits it.

For me, I enjoyed reading it, it was something different then my usual YA books. I've also joined "Authonomy" which gives me the chance to get my book out there. But first I'm editing it AGAIN, to make sure it's perfect :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

One Step Forward

So BookFest was a success. I know have a contact in the publishing industry and have an understanding of what to do next. It was difficult going to the Bookfest alone, but it gave me some independence. Right  now, my next few steps are finishing editing my synopsis, email Marty the chapters and book in a time to chat with him. Then, atm I have to re-register for writers market, get info on the writers conference in Ontario and start making plans. I need to work on conversation starters and pump up my confidance. I think that if I pumped up my self (my appearance) look fit, would give me an edge at a conference.


Okay, going home, brush my teeth, register, come back and maybe workout.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

BOOKFEST Windsor Day 2 & 3

Day Two of Bookfest was pretty sweet. Met the guys who created Kill Shakespeare and got the comic booked signed. Then there was the IFAO Authors reading and loved ALL four of them. Will Ferguson was so funny! He wrote Canadian Pie and read some so I bought it, can't wait to read it. Then Brian Francis spoke a bit about his book. He wrote it from a 86 year old lady and was well written! So I got that one too.

Day Three was VERY eventful. I started my day there at 9:30am to 3:30pm. Met this girl Kate who ends up being the editor for Black Moss Press, and she ended up sitting with me for the other event we gone too like the poetry reading. She a poet and already has 84 pages of poetry done. Then we both attended this event called "Getting your words out" and it was four publisher and they talked about the industry, their process and all that jazz. THAT was sweet. Then I walked outside the Gallery and saw they were protesting for Slutwalk. I totally thought it was about dressing like a slut and being all "we're people too!"

But it wasn't . lol. Some Police Cheif was quoted saying: "Women wouldn't get raped if they were asking for it, by the way they dress"

So I was front row with a banner saying "Slut Walk Windsor"

Busy busy busy. I have to wash my hair now, go to a party, THEN another party and back to the first party (hoping) and yea. Go to sleep, teach RPM tomorrow and monday. Geez.

Friday, November 4, 2011


"Girls Night Out" Thursday at the Art Gallery of WIndsor had the writers of Black Moss Press present some of their poetry. It made me realize how I'm not a question asking person. Other people had questions, but I didn't, but the questions that were asked made me think 'why didn't I think to ask that'. It was pretty cool though and there were a ton of people there. You could tell who the 'writers' were and hoped I wasn't that obvious. Today is Day Two and classy wear/business/professional. If anyone asks if I'm a writer I'll tell them that I'm a creative imaginable person who tried to be a writer. lol.

When I was listening to one authors prose piece I thought to myself, Why do people make characters sound like writers? If the character isn't a writer in the story, then they shouldn't sound like one, observing and being crazy descriptive and insightful.

Then I realized the woman was reading a poem. Oops. Today my goal is to meet Marty Gervais (whose the owner and publisher of Black Moss Press) and introduce myself. My friend that knows him says he talks a lot and is cool enough to sit down and chat. So I'm going to try and do that to either get referred to a publishing company since they don't necessarily print my kind of book.

Wish me luck!