Saturday, October 29, 2011


Since Greg hasn't slept over I've been having very vivid dreams, which I love having. ONe was about zombies but they weren't your usual gross and "ahhhhggg brains" zombies, they were just 'infected' people. And I loved one of them lol. They were to go kill him and I ran saying, "No plaese dont! I can't be without him! He's not like the rest" typical eh?

Last night I had a really cool one. Sci-Fi and relatable, which is my spicalty. It was about this guy, we'll call him Christopher. He saw his older brother kill a man and his friends helped him hide the body. Shaken up by the sighting, he confronted his brother. Chris seems to be a do gooder and has enough guts to stick up for the right thing. So he pretty much tell his brother he's going to testify against him if it came down to it. He sees his brother as a murderours evil guy and for the rest of the week in High school, the brother and his friends stalk him to make him scared.

Chris has a friend, she nerdy but he's known her for a while, grew up together kinda thing. She sees whats going on and hears Chris talk about saying things like, "I wish I could disappear and not be seen by them for a while until the time comes to testiy"

This is wear it gets science-y. She and her other nerdy friends have created a thing called "Focus" and you use a cd, pop it in a computer and you walk thru the screen. (Yes, through the computer screen) and your in the same place BUT your in "Focus". You are not seen by people that you dont wanna be seen by, but everything is normal but a little more tinted. So Chris enters "Focus" and starts to mess around with his brothers friends. He decides with the girl to uncover the body and bring it to the police.

When shit hits the fan, Chris's brothers friends find out about "Focus" and try and find a way in to get Chris. Chris scratches the cd he used so that they cant access it, but its too late, they've gotten in Focus and Chris and his chick friend (we'll say her name is Mandy, she looked like a Mandy) are trying to trap them within Focus to reverse the system so that the friends will remain unseen forever. They'll pretty much be ghosts to people on the outside.

Anyways, I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep :(

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